About Vianet

Vianet is an Italian creative industry founded in 1993 and is active in regional, national, European and International business
We use technologies to digitally transform organisations, innovate their processes, engage their customers while improving their satisfaction

Vianet’s primary goal is to conceive, build, test, and maintain platforms and tools to solve the problems of B2B clients and their B2B2C customers, mainly in the cultural and tourism field, expanding their scale and efficiency, reducing their costs and, ultimately, improving their business outlook.

Vianet is a member of the DTC Lazio (https://dtclazio.it/) centre of excellence (District of Cultural Technologies to protect, conserve, upgrade and promote Cultural Heritage).

Our Work

Powered by data and enriched by cultural inspiration, explore a selection of our projects and recognitions.

Our Team

Our team excels in crafting innovative digital solutions aligned with Vianet’s ethos of seamless connectivity and exceptional service.

News & History

We’ve participated to the following exhibitions and Fairs:
Denkmal Mutec Exhibition (Leipzig, 24-26 Nov. 2022)
Museum Connections (Paris, 17-18 Jan. 2023)

Breaking News

Vianet, as the first private company within the DTC, has been included among the principal research infrastructure organizations besides prestigious academic departments